What have you need ?- What Computer models ?
- Intel 486 family SX, DX, DX2 .....
- Intel Pentium family , MMX, II, III ....
- Intel Celeron family
- Hardware components:
- Base : Hard Disk Drive, CPU, RAM, Video Card, Floppy Disk & CDRom
- Two RJ45 Network Cards , or more
- Operating System:
Example --->
We have a PC like this one :
Pentium MMX 133Mhz, 64 Mb Ram, HD 512Mb, Two Network Cards 10 Mbps, CDRom 12x, SVGA max 800x600, floppy disk, Monitor 14'', Keyboard and mouse.
- Installation Slackware Operating System Following the post link
Attetion !! in section "Select Packages to install" you well have to choose A,D,L & N
Attetion !! during setup installation, for "Packages Seriers L (Libraries)", check only
glib, glib2, glibcThere is a routing software suite that providing implementations of OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPng and BGP-4 for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris and NetBSD.
"Quagga" http://www.quagga.net/ is a fork of GNU Zebra acts as an abstraction layer to the underlying Unix kernel.
- Installation Quagga ver. 0.98.6 on Slackware 10.0
Download the software from
http://www.quagga.net/download/quagga-0.98.6.tar.gz and follows these steps to install :
- untar the package "routerlx# tar xvfz quagga-0.98.6.tar.gz "
- build the software
- routerlx:# cd quagga-0.98.6
- routerlx:# ./confiugre
- routerlx:# ./make
- routerlx:# ./make install
- Attention, after the build the space left on disk, delete the quagga-0.98.6.tar.gz and the quagga-0.98.6 folder.
- Edit the file "/etc/profile" and insert the variable "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib"
- Reload the profile : "routerlx:#. /etc/profile"
- Copy the file "/usr/local/etc/zebra.conf.sample" in "/usr/local/etc/zebra.conf"
- Edit the file "/usr/local/etc/zebra.conf" and set these parameters :
- !
! Zebra configuration saved from vty
! 2007/03/14 08:18:03
hostname Routerlx
password zebra
enable password zebra
- Start the zebra services "routerlx:#/usr/local/sbin/zebra -d -u root -g root"
- Edit the file "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" and add the command "/usr/local/sbin/zebra -d -u root -g root"
- Connect to routerlx with "telnet [ip address] 2601" example : telnet 2601
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Hello, this is Quagga (version 0.98.6).
Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.
User Access Verification
Routerlx> enable
configure Configuration from vty interface
copy Copy configuration
debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
disable Turn off privileged mode command
echo Echo a message back to the vty
end End current mode and change to enable mode.
exit Exit current mode and down to previous mode
help Description of the interactive help system
list Print command list
logmsg Send a message to enabled logging destinations
no Negate a command or set its defaults
quit Exit current mode and down to previous mode
show Show running system information
terminal Set terminal line parameters
who Display who is on vty
write Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal
- Your Router Now is Ready !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: Quagga, Router, Routing, Slackware